
UFO Recorded over Curitiba, Brazil

The person who posted the video to YouTube was also the witness and added additional sighting details in the comments.

They said that they had spotted the object while driving and pursued it as it “followed a straight trajectory” above Francisco Derosso Street. Once they reached the end of that street, which terminates in a railway line, they exited their vehicle to continue watching the object.

The witness claims to have a further 15 minutes of footage they took of the object but has not yet responded to requests to post it.

They did, however, post another 45-second video, along with more information about the sighting.

“When I returned from a bakery on Sunday … I saw an object in the sky that I couldn’t understand what it was. I have a Nikon B 700 with 60x zoom, and I stopped the car and started recording. Then I went with the car further ahead to the end of the street and recorded a little more as far as possible,” the witness said in the more recent video’s description.

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