Purported Photos of Incapacitated Aliens Making the Rounds on Social Media

Much speculation has been generated by the photos, with the most skeptical among their viewers suspecting that they could be the product of artificial intelligence.
Proponents of this hypothesis point to the sheer proliferation of such images online, along with certain oddities, such as the appearance of the beings’ hands in the first photo.
However, the photos seem to lack any definitive evidence that they were produced by AI.
“AI has a tendency to create certain inconsistencies in texture and rendering, but these images seem consistent throughout and any imperfections match the rest of the picture. If they were artificially generated then, at a minimum, filters have likely been applied to mask that. Of course, the hands do look weird, which has been a known flaw in AI images for some time, but that could also be due to any damage sustained by the beings or their physiology,” said Emily Wayland, The Singular Fortean Society’s photo and video analyst.
The Singular Fortean Society also ran the images through three different online AI detectors, all of which determined that they were unlikely to have been generated by artificial intelligence.
If the photographs are real, others say, that still doesn’t mean the beings are otherworldly. Some skeptics speculate that the images could feature the results of a medical experiment or accident, perhaps even showing the remains of a non-human primate.
None of this has prevented more imaginative speculations, especially in light of the fervor surrounding the ongoing Disclosure movement hoping to uncover any government secrets regarding UFOs.
Those who favor that narrative wonder if these photos could be of remains recovered from a crashed UFO.
And, if that is the case, since they are labeled figures four and thirteen, could there be more photos out there?