Download The SPR’s Free Quick Guides To Paranormal Investigation

People will often tell you that there’s no such thing as an expert when it comes to the paranormal, that we’re all learning, and that there is no right or wrong when it comes to hunting ghosts. You might disagree with some of these statements, but it’s safe to say that at the very least, there are some best practices that all paranormal investigators should be aware of.
You might have read recommendations from us about SPR’s ‘Guidance Notes for Investigators’ books before, because they are without a doubt one of the best sources of information for any paranormal investigator. The new quick guides contain the essential information from these publications for a range of topics which you can quickly refer to when necessary.
Each topic is available as a separate PDF which is clearly labelled. The ‘Analysing Pictures’ quick guide offers advice on objectively examining a picture that you have taken yourself or obtained from a third party, describing a similar rational approach to the methods provided in the ‘Analysing Sounds’ guide, which complements the guide specifically on ‘Sound Recording’.
The collection also includes guides on gathering information ahead of an investigation, planning an investigation, interviewing witnesses, taking measurements, and caring for your equipment. There’s also advice on working with electromagnetic fields (EMF), temperature, and why time matters.
The Investigator Quick Guides are designed to be printed on both sides of a single A4 (or A5) sheet of paper which can then be easily folded using a simple Z fold, creating a kit-bag sized leaflet. You can also download, store and access them electronically using a smartphone, laptop or tablet computer.