Teens Call 911 to Report Sighting of Five-Foot-Tall, Glowing-Eyed Creature in Kisatchie National Forest

The most popular explanation among skeptics for the teens’ encounter is that they saw a black bear.
Although rare due to their “threatened” status, Louisiana black bears have been sighted in Kisatchie National Forest. Black bears generally stand between five and seven feet tall on their hind legs and their eyes possess a layer of tissue—known as the tapetum lucidum—that reflects light, producing a yellow-to-orange eyeshine.
However, Natchitoches Parish, home to Kisatchie National Forest, has had bigfoot reports before—one as recently as 2023.
According to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), about an hour before dark on June 23rd, 2023, a witness was driving less than five miles north of Kisatchie National Forest when they saw a tall, hairy humanoid walk across the road in front of them.
“I was coming home. As I turned off the highway onto the dirt road I live on, a seven-to-eight-foot-tall creature crossed the dirt road ahead of me about 50 feet. It was a russet brown in color, covered in hair six to eight inches long. It was across the road in two or three steps and gone in the pine trees,” the witness said in their report.
BFRO investigator Matthew Moneymaker reportedly spoke to the witness directly and wrote in his report that he ultimately thought the case to be important due to what it could potentially demonstrate about sasquatch behavior in the area.