Trail Cam Photo of Hairy Humanoid Reportedly Taken in Pierce County, Washington

Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization (RMSO) published an image to their blog last Saturday which reportedly shows an unidentified hairy humanoid captured on trail cam in Pierce County, Washington.
Accompanying the image was a letter by a “J. Louie,” who said that they, along with their husband Tom, had owned a house in Pierce County with a “good sized area of land at the back of the property.”
Louie said that the couple had set up trail cams to capture images of wildlife for their three young children, but in August of 2020, they “checked the cameras one day and found a photo of a strange humanoid shaped figure that had been captured by one of the trail cams.”
“Not really sure what to make of the photo, we never showed it to the kids, it is very odd and peculiar looking, it does look like a long haired humanoid shaped figure covered in hair,” Louie wrote. “I wonder if it could be some kind of Yeti or Bigfoot type of being?”
After having recently rediscovered the image while upgrading their computer system, they decided to send it to RMSO.
“We found RMSO after a quick Google search and thought you guys look very open minded, so we thought we would let you have the photo to use and share (if you do share it online, please don’t publish my surname). We are not interested in this subject, the photo just sits in a folder on the PC unseen, we are considering deleting it for good,” Louie wrote. “Let me know what you guys think?”
RMSO responded to Louie:
Pierce County is one of the top counties in Washington for Bigfoot sightings reported. BFRO [Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization] shows 83 reports. Neighboring counties have many Bigfoot reports too. Lewis County has 50, King County has 47 & Skamania has 64.
Our team receives several sighting reports from these areas each year including photos, videos & vocalizations too.
Interesting trail camera photo, this does appear to be a hairy hominid of sorts.
Perhaps it could be a bigfoot individual.
Do you know of anyone in your area that has seen a bigfoot? Did your husband find any unusual tracks?
Louie replied to RMSO, writing that they found it “interesting to hear that you think it could be a bigfoot individual” and that they and their husband agree the creature captured on camera “does look like a hairy hominid of sorts.”
The couple no longer lives in Pierce County and added that they had never heard any stories of bigfoot encounters in the area during their time there, nor did they find any unusual tracks or footprints on their property.
“The land was mainly grassland, not really much soil and dirt tracks to leave prints,” Louie wrote, “Tom said it never crossed his mind to look for tracks at the time, but there wouldn’t have been any anyway.”
“Thanks once again for your interesting take on the photo, me and Tom agreed that you can use that photo for any of your research, even if you ever write a book use it for that, we hope your readers find the photo of interest and enjoy it,” they added.
Responses to the image within the cryptozoological community have so far been largely positive.
Dozens of cryptid enthusiasts have commented on RMSO’s YouTube video discussing the photo, and the vast majority of those comments reflect the opinion that the image could be genuine.
However, some have questioned why the trail cam only captured one image and noted that the creature’s patchy body hair is inconsistent with many known primate species.
The image has also generated interest on other social media sites.
“RSMO has been presented with a very compelling trail cam photo of a possible Sasquatch!” Jesse Durdel of the National Cryptid Society tweeted on Tuesday.
“We hope to hear more from [RMSO],” he added.
Any new developments in this case will be covered by the Singular Fortean Society as they are discovered.