
Reports from the Void: ‘I, Too, Have Had an Experience with These Orbs’

Reports from the Void is a repository to share those stories for which we do not have enough information to make a full report. This is usually because of little or no communication from the witness following their initial submission. The Singular Fortean Society will always provide as much information as possible regarding any correspondence during our attempts to speak with those involved.

This series is meant only to present you with the full breadth of the information sent to us and makes no judgments towards the veracity of any stories shared within it.

The Singular Fortean Society received the following email with the message “I, too, have had an experience with these orbs…mine was what I thought was a dream but maybe not” in the subject line on July 26th, 2023.

[My experience took place] between the years 2003 and 2013, and I didn’t take note of this so I can’t be sure when this happened. 

I was sleeping but then was in a field in a nearby town. This was a large marshy area with electrical towers. This orb was an intelligent being and was talking with me via telepathy. I, too, had the experience of them telling me that I was not alone in this world. 

We discussed religion. I am a Christian and spoke to this orb, it was a glowing orange yellow color, about my belief in Jesus. I told it the entire story of Jesus and it wept when it learned of the crucifixion. I knew that I couldn’t tell anyone about this encounter as I felt protective of this thing. As we spoke it was getting close to sun rise. I woke up then.

Investigator Tobias Wayland replied with a request to interview the witness for more information, but received an automated response saying that the email address provided could not be found.

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It is unclear exactly what other encounter(s) the witness is referencing in their submission, although they could be referring to North Carolina man Christopher Bledsoe, 62, who last year recounted a series of encounters with seemingly intelligent glowing orbs that he claims to be able to summon using prayer.

Although his experiences with the glowing orbs began on a fishing trip in 2007, Bledsoe said he and his family were shunned and ridiculed when he first tried to tell their story to the community, so he kept it a secret until 2012, when he was visited by a comforting being who told him he was not alone.

The being took the form of a beautiful, glowing woman, floating three feet off the ground.

“A woman was glowing with a white dress, the most beautiful thing you have ever seen,” Bledsoe said. “She looked at me and said, ‘You know why I am here. If you do this, I will always be with you and help you. I will help you with witnesses.'”

Since 2007, Bledsoe said, the orbs have appeared over his home “every night,” and he claims to have captured over 2,000 videos of them doing so over the past few years.

While Bledsoe’s experiences may seem unique, other witnesses have come forward with similar stories.

Last year, a witness reported psychic contact with a series of spherical objects to The Singular Fortean Society.

Meanwhile, a man in Indiana near the Prairie Creek Reservoir spoke to investigator Tobias Wayland about a series of glowing orb sightings that span from 1981 to 2020 which could be related to winged humanoid sightings in the area.

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And in 2022, The Singular Fortean Society was contacted by Shane Taylor, 44, who wished to report an encounter with a multitude of seemingly friendly orange orbs he’d had on Christmas Eve of 2014.

“It was really bizarre. There was a dreamlike quality to the experience, but I was still conscious and aware. It was really wild,” Taylor said of his encounter during an interview with Wayland. “When I got out of the car and they were right there it was almost like they were attracted to me; like they picked up on me and were like, ‘Here’s us, here’s what we are.’ To me it was friendly, like a friendly interaction. I know it’s so weird to say interaction, but to me it felt that way.”


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