
Paranormal Investigation Survey | Higgypop Paranormal

1. Through which means would you generally say you obtain the most evidence during your investigations?

2. How often do you notice poltergeist activity, such as objects being thrown?

3. Do you attempt to caprutre/record EVPs as part of investigations?

4. How frequently do you capture Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVPs) during your investigations?

5. How often do you witness unexplained lights or orbs?

6. How often do you hear unexplained sounds, such as knocking?

7. How often do you hear seemingly disembodied footsteps?

8. How frequently do you see apparitions with clearly observable human feature?

9. How frequently do you see indistinct figures or shadows?

10. Do you use a REM-Pod as part of your investigations?

11. How often do you get meaningful response using a REM-Pod?

12. How often do you feel unexplained cold spots?

13. How often do you capture unexplained photographs or videos?

14. How often do you receive communication via a psychic medium?

15. Do you use EMF meters as part of your investigations?

16. How frequently do you see meaningful response using an electromagnetic field (EMF) meter?

17. How frequently do you smell unexplained odours, such as perfume or sulphur?

18. How often do you experience physical sensations, such as being touched?

19. How often do you witness a violent interaction, such as being pushed?

20. Do you use spirit boxes as part of your investigations?

21. How frequently do you receive meaningful responses on spirit boxes?

22. How frequently do you experience feelings of being watched or not alone?

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23. How frequently do you encounter unexplained behaviour in electronic devices (e.g., lights flickering, devices turning on/off)?

24. Do you use dedicated ghost hunting apps as part of your investigations?

25. How often do you receive meaningful words or phrases through ghost hunting apps on mobile devices?

26. Do you use handheld word bank based devices such as an Ovilus during investigations?

27. How often do you receive meaningful words or phrases through handheld word bank based devices (e.g. Ovilus)?

28. How often do you find that batteries in your equipment drain unusually fast?

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