Couple flew on different planes, both planes crashed, but no one died

Last Sunday, a young couple from Turin, Italy, flew on two different light aircraft. Both of their planes crashed during landing, but by some miracle no one was killed or even seriously injured.
Journalists have not yet come to a conclusion whether this is a case of incredible luck with an equally incredible combination of circumstances, or whether it is something like a “destination” when something evil pursued people and only by a miracle they managed to escape.
Stefano Pirilli, 30, and his 22-year-old girlfriend Antonietta Demasi decided to “have fun in the sky” on Sunday and first fly to friends in the neighboring town of Asti for lunch and then fly to the sea. To do this, they hired two Tecnam P92 Echo Super light aircraft.
These small planes only carry a pilot and one passenger, so Stefano got into one and his girlfriend into the other. They reached Asti safely. They had lunch with friends and then took off again and headed towards the coast to admire the sea.
When they were returning back to Turin in the evening, first Stefano’s plane fell into a meadow while trying to land, and then Antonietta’s plane also fell, only from a higher altitude.
Stefano was not injured at all, but Antonietta and the pilot of her plane received only minor injuries and were taken to the hospital. By the way, for Antonietta this was the first flight in her life.
“It was Antonietta’s first flight experience and I’m very sorry about what happened. The day started out so great and ended with us both crashing in different planes.
“We are lucky that we did not die, and our thoughts are with the pilots who were injured. I just want my girlfriend and pilot to feel better, nothing else matters. Sunday was the perfect day to fly with blue skies, sunshine and not a single cloud, it was the perfect way to have fun in the air…” says Stefano.
The weather during the day was indeed excellent, but in the evening fog descended on Turin. Therefore, the pilots decided to land earlier at nearby airfields.
“We decided to try to land in Busano and I called Antonietta and told her, and the pilot of her plane then said that he would land at an airfield near San Giglio.
“As we were heading towards the runway, we were just enveloped in fog and darkness and we knew there were electrical cables all around, but before we knew it, we crashed to the ground and fell into the meadow.
“We were about 100 meters short of the runway, but I managed to get out of the wreckage and pull the pilot out,” Stefano says.
He then called 911 and his girlfriend, but she didn’t answer. And when firefighters arrived at Stefano’s plane, they told him that they had just visited the site of another plane crash.
“I asked them if there was a man and a woman there and they said yes, and that’s when my blood froze and I realized it was Antonietta. They told me the woman was taken to hospital but was fine, while the pilot suffered more serious injuries.
“I immediately rushed to their hospital and have been there ever since. I just hope Antonietta and Paolo are released soon.”
Meanwhile, local civil aviation officials began investigating both plane crashes, trying to understand why two planes crashed in quick succession.