aliens communicate with us through the bowels of the Earth

Russian scientists claim to have discovered and decipher a message from the constellation Canis Major, reports
“It is naive to expect radio broadcasts from brothers in mind: civilizations that are far ahead of us in development, probably own some other means of communication – more advanced than electromagnetic ones,” – says Nina Sokulina, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, head of research.
In fact, if the addressee is tens, hundreds, or even thousands of light years away, it is simply pointless to send him radio waves – they will reach after tens, hundreds, or even thousands of years, spreading at the speed of light. Cosmic distances require much faster communication – it is desirable to exchange information instantly.
“Aliens somehow affect our bowels,” – says Nina Vladimirovna. “Influence so that they become the carrier of the transferred information. We discovered it in the anomalous zone in Western Siberia – in the area of the village of Okunevo, Omsk Region, located between the Irtysh and Tara river,” says Nina Sokulina.
The Okunevskaya anomalous zone for a long time demonstrated various phenomena – flashes, vertical columns of light and bright spots on the grass – similar to huge sunbeams. People often saw orbs there – objects that looked like large fireballs.
The geophysicists of the company “Geostroykom” with the help of modern research equipment made sure that the anomalous phenomena in the zone are due to the bizarre electromagnetic radiation emanating from it. It was noticeably different from the natural background.
Attention was drawn to the results of magnetic intensity measurements. The values of the vertical component (Hz) of the electromagnetic field, isolated from the general array, demonstrated a clear orderliness – completely uncharacteristic of natural processes.
In a certain range, they were, as it were, modulated in amplitude. The researchers identified peaks. The peaks alternated according to the frequency of occurrence in the words and phrases of the Russian language of certain letters – vowels and consonants.
There was a text written in Russian. But in the form of magnetic field values. There are 738 letters in the text – so many peaks were identified.
Sokulina and her colleagues explain in detail in a prepared report called “The first instrumental signal from an extraterrestrial civilization” what methods they used, selecting specific letters based on a statistical analysis of various literary texts.
According to Russian scientists, the message of aliens in Russian contains a proposal for cooperation, but without harm to other countries, says Nina Vladimirovna. – We figured out where the information came from, but only the very beginning was accurately deciphered:
“Earthlings, we’re sending a signal. We are the star of the Canis Major of the bright star system…” (translation from Russian may be incorrect –
So far, only the beginning has been deciphered for scientists.
According to the codebreakers, the words “star of the Canis Major system of the bright star” point to Sirius – it’s not very far: 8.6 light years.
But Sirius is by no means a lonely star, but a system of two stars – A and B, one of which is a white dwarf. Both are no more than 300 million years old – too young to have a planet with highly intelligent inhabitants.
According to some astronomical observations and calculations, there is a third star in the Sirius system – a red dwarf , which is not visible from Earth. Very old and very dim. But still able to play the role of a luminary for the planet of the authors of the message.
In many earthly myths, there are references to the fact that aliens – gods – flew in from somewhere from Sirius.
According to one hypothesis, people owe the rather extensive astronomical knowledge and technical skills that appeared in antiquity to the newcomers from Sirius. Whether these “brothers in mind” – aliens and the authors of the message – are one and the same, is unknown. And why no one else flies to us is also a mystery.
The Russian media report that it has not yet been possible to fully understand the meaning of this message, but the maximum efforts of many specialists are currently being directed at unraveling this riddle.
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