
A UFO is captured in night vision flying silently through a forest in Canada

UFO hunters Rob Freeman and Marcus McNabb went hunting for UFO’S around Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, and caught a bright orb floating silently through the forest in the area.

To hunt for UFO’s they use night imaging technology called ‘weapon of mass detection’

Rob who is a senior field researcher for the Centre for the Scientific Study of Atmospheric Anomalies, says it’s the best footage they have ever recorded.

Rob told the Mirror Online “Several locals said orbs have been spotted above ‘The Chief’ at Squamish, so we set up within view of the granite monolith, the second biggest of its kind in the world.

“At 10.59pm, this huge yellowish white ball of light appeared out of nowhere and then proceeded to go into the woods.

“Thanks to Breslin Martin of our group for spotting it so I could film it with my night vision scope.

“It moved 100 per cent silently.

“Note how any trees in front of the orb block the light, while trees behind the orb are lit up big time.”

At first they thought it was just an airplane until they noticed that the object lit up the trees.

“The trees behind the orb were all lit up,” he explained. “That means it was in front of the trees.”

What do you think it could be?



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