
US Air Force investigated the case of an alien who baked pancakes

In 1961, a bizarre incident occurred in Eagle River, Wisconsin, USA. A local resident named Joe Simonton claimed that he had met an alien who gave him four pancakes.

The US Air Force took this story seriously and even sent the pancakes for analysis. What did they find out?

The encounter with the alien

According to Simonton, on April 18, 1961, he heard a strange noise outside his house. He went out and saw a silver disc-shaped object about 10 meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high. It had exhaust pipes around its perimeter and was standing on three legs.

Simonton approached the object and saw three beings inside it. They looked like humans, but had dark skin and wore black suits with helmets. One of them gestured to Simonton to give him some water. Simonton obliged and brought a jug of water from his house.

While he was handing over the water, Simonton noticed that one of the aliens was cooking something on a flameless stove. He saw four thin, brown discs that looked like pancakes. He asked for one of them and the alien gave it to him.

Simonton said that the aliens did not speak any language he could understand, but they seemed friendly and polite. He estimated that they were about 1.5 meters tall and weighed about 60 kilograms.

After receiving the water, the aliens took off in their craft, leaving Simonton with four pancakes as a souvenir.

Joe Simonton holding an alien pancake. From the Vilas County News-Review, April 27, 1961.

The investigation by the Air Force

Simonton reported his encounter to the local sheriff, who contacted the US Air Force. The Air Force was interested in UFO sightings at that time as part of Project Blue Book, a systematic study of unidentified flying objects.

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Two officers from Project Blue Book visited Simonton and interviewed him. They found him to be sincere and credible, but they were skeptical about his story. They took one of the pancakes for analysis at a laboratory.

The laboratory report stated that the pancake was made of ordinary flour, sugar and grease. It had no traces of any extraterrestrial material or radiation. It was similar to buckwheat pancakes made by humans.

The Air Force concluded that Simonton’s story was either a hoax or a hallucination. They closed the case as “unidentified”, meaning that they could not explain it satisfactorily.

J Allen Hynek’s official report on the bizarre incident

The aftermath of the incident

Simonton maintained his story until his death in 1985. He said that he never regretted meeting the aliens or eating their pancakes. He said that he felt honored by their visit and wished they would come back.

He also said that he did not care what other people thought of him or his story. He said that he knew what he saw and experienced, and that was enough for him.

The incident became famous in UFO circles as one of the most bizarre cases ever reported. Some ufologists suggested that Simonton might have encountered interdimensional travelers or time travelers rather than aliens.

Others speculated that the aliens might have been testing human reactions or conducting some kind of experiment with food.

The remaining three pancakes are still preserved by Simonton’s relatives as mementos of his encounter.

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