
The Disappearance of Rivalino Mafra da Silva

Rivalino Mafra da Silva was a Brazilian diamond prospector residing in Diamantino, a town located in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais. Following the passing of his wife in 1961, Rivalino single-handedly raised his three sons: Raimundo (12 years old), Fatimo (6 years old), and Dirceu (2 years old). Their humble abode was a shack. During the night of August 19, 1962, the family was abruptly awakened by a shadow that entered their shared bedroom. According to Raimundo, the shadow appeared to be “half the size of a man and had an unconventional shape, not resembling a human being.” It…

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Jake Carter

Jake Carter is a journalist and a paranormal investigator who has been fascinated by the unexplained since he was a child.

He is not afraid to challenge the official narratives and expose the cover-ups and lies that keep us in the dark. He is always eager to share his findings and insights with the readers of, where he has been a regular contributor since 2013.

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