
Support For GhostArk As Happy Customer Respond To “Hate”

Looking at GhostArk’s Facebook page since the packages were shipped, there have been plenty of complaints about the quality and functionality of the product.

Now as more customers get to play with the new ghost hunting, more positive reviews are starting to trickle through and customers are starting to post their reviews on YouTube.

Find out more about what happened when I received my GhostArk, you can read my more about my initial thoughts by clicking here.

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Chris from the Paranormal Society of New Orleans shows off his product in the video. In response to some claims that the device feels cheap and plasticy, the reviewer says “it doesn’t feel cheap at all, I like the way it feels in my hand.”

He was also pleased to find that rather than getting the basic model, he’s been upgraded to the “hunter pack” which includes the aerial extension from the ghost box feature.

He ends his video by saying “this thing is awesome, it’s not too heavy, it’s not too light. It’s got a ton of different features. Overall, I’d say it’s a winner, I’d say get it.”

PIT (Paranormal Investigation Team) have also shared a video on social media of them putting the device through its paces.

Meanwhile in another video posted to Facebook, one GhostArk customer, Dan reviews his device. While his review isn’t overwhelmingly positive he does confirm that the device works.

However Dan does say that the device doesn’t meet his expectations aesthetically and doesn’t think it’s worth the money he paid for it.

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GhostArk receives another positive review from Lois who was able to get all of the devices features working without a problem.

In this article I have of course been seeking out all the favourable reviews of the product, but don’t think I’m being bias.  The post in direct response to my article I shared over the weekend which sought out to highlight some of the technical issues being experienced by GhostArk’s customers.

With any product and service people are more likely to talk about their experience if it’s bad.  Of all the people who have ordered GhostArks only a few are active on the company’s social media pages so it’s not surprising that some more positive reviews took a little longer to come to light.

Of course there are and have been issue with the device and GhostArk have said those products will be replaced but based on the videos being posted today the product might not be the complete write-off that some customers feared.

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