
Sleepless nights might turn you into a conspiracy believer

Scientists have uncovered a surprising link in a new study: lack of sleep and insomnia may make people more prone to believing conspiracy theories.

It’s well-known that sleep is essential for health and recovery. Conversely, insufficient sleep or insomnia can heighten the risk of numerous physical and mental health issues, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

Now, a recent study highlighted by Popular Science reveals an unexpected twist—poor sleep might also increase susceptibility to conspiracy theories.

Researchers from the University of Nottingham’s School of Psychology conducted two experiments with a total of 1,000 volunteers.

Their findings, published in the Journal of Health Psychology, suggest that sleep deprivation and insomnia could foster yet another unwanted outcome: the embrace of conspiracy theories.

The study’s authors propose that poor sleep, when combined with other challenges like depression or stress, may amplify vulnerability to demonstrably false conspiracy theories.

This tendency appears even stronger when exhausted individuals encounter conspiracy content from external sources, rather than arriving at such ideas independently.

In the first experiment, 540 participants completed a standardized sleep-quality assessment before reading one of two articles about the Notre Dame fire. Some read a fact-checked report of the tragic event, while others encountered a fabricated story alleging the fire was part of a cover-up conspiracy.

A follow-up survey revealed that those who reported poorer sleep quality were more inclined to believe the conspiracy-laden version than their well-rested counterparts.

Building on this, the second experiment involved 575 participants whose psychological profiles and beliefs were analyzed. The data reinforced a clear connection: poor sleep directly correlates with a greater likelihood of endorsing conspiracy theories. Depression emerged as a key psychological factor driving this conspiratorial mindset in many cases.

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Daniel Jolly, the study’s author and an associate professor of social psychology at the University of Nottingham, emphasizes that sleep is fundamental to psychological well-being and cognitive function.

Prior research has already linked sleep deprivation to heightened risks of depression, anxiety, and paranoia—all of which can fuel conspiracy beliefs.

The consequences of such beliefs extend far beyond quirky debates or a new tin foil hat. Holding onto conspiracy theories can ripple through society with serious effects.

For instance, during the coronavirus pandemic, skepticism about evidence-based vaccine efficacy undermined public health efforts. Similarly, decades of misinformation about climate change have stalled progress in addressing its threats to humanity and the planet.

Jolly and his team suggest a straightforward remedy: getting enough rest. Their research indicates that improving sleep quality could serve as a shield against the spread of conspiracy thinking. In a world awash with misinformation, a good night’s sleep might just be one of the simplest defenses we have.

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