
My Haunted Hotel

Immerse yourself in an overnight ghost hunting adventure within one of Britain’s most haunted hotels.

My Haunted Hotel is giving ghost hunters the chance to investigate the Ye Olde Kings Head Hotel. You’ll have the chance to star in your very own paranormal show! My Haunted Hotel will release episodes of the night and any activity captured on camera.

My Haunted Hotel is an enduring ghost hunt that will challenge you from the moment you start.

Led by a team of professional paranormal investigators, you’ll have the chance to investigate with your choice of ghost hunting equipment. With being able to partake in unique tasks and experiments throughout the night of the hunt.

The Ye Olde Kings Head Hotel, built in 1622, has 16 night vision cameras installed to capture everything that happens live.

They provide rooms for 2 to 3 occupants. You’re not allowed to ask for a specific room. They will randomly choose the rooms for you. Good luck trying to get any sleep!

Is this an event that you would be open to taking part in?

Source: My Haunted Hotel 



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