Man Breaks His Silence on a UFO Encounter After 50 Years

Even in our time, many eyewitnesses of unusual events and phenomena hesitate to share their experiences with friends and relatives, let alone with the press.
The fear of being labeled a drunkard, drug addict, or even mentally ill by society is very real. Decades ago, when only a few researchers dared to discuss UFOs, witnessing something strange in the sky and talking about it almost guaranteed ridicule for years.
Such was the case for 67-year-old Gordon Mackerracher from Edinburgh, who kept silent for half a century about his encounter with a large UFO. Only recently did he decide to speak to journalists about what he saw.
According to Gordon, he was 17 years old at the time, walking along a road in the countryside of West Lothian, Scotland, when he noticed a strange flying object in the sky.
The object, the size of a van, appeared metallic and was shaped like a cone. After watching it slowly move away, Gordon immediately ran to the nearest telephone booth. He was certain that what he had seen was neither an airplane nor a helicopter.
“I was walking from the cottage at Ormiston Farm at around 9.30/10pm and back in the day it was a straight road down to East Calder,” he said. “I don’t know why but I looked to my left and in the sky above me was this brown conical craft travelling in total silence,” Gordon recalled.
“I could see the moonlight shining off it. It was funny, as I don’t remember being scared when I watched it, although it is possible I was at the time.”
He then decided to contact Edinburgh Airport to report the mysterious flying object.
However, the air traffic controller informed him that no aircraft had entered the surrounding airspace in the past hour, leaving Gordon completely bewildered.
“They went away to check and when the guy came back he told me that nothing had taken off or arrived at Edinburgh in the past hour. He said their radar did not capture anything during that time either.
“At first I thought it was maybe circling round to land at Edinburgh airport but obviously not. I just told the controller that it didn’t matter and headed home.”
After much contemplation, Gordon decided not to tell anyone else about his experience. He was afraid of being branded an “idiot” and forever known as “the one who saw spacemen.”
“I never told anyone. I was too scared of being thought of as a fool, so I just kept quiet when I returned home. I never doubted what I saw. At that time, I wasn’t interested in UFOs or anything like that,” he explained.
Many years after the incident, while watching the television series “The Mysterious World,” Gordon saw a story about a UFO that included a drawing made by an eyewitness. To his amazement, the drawing depicted exactly the same object he had seen at 17 on that rural road.
“There must be something out there. To think space is this phenomena, and it goes on infinitely for billions of years, and to think you could move through that and never meet another living organism, is difficult to think.
“They could be more developed than us. What I saw was silent and as far as I’m concerned they have technology that we do not.
“I don’t dwell on it. It has become an interest but I just get on with my life.”