
Evil Among Us – Tales from the Warrens

I am nearly certain that most of you visiting this site have heard of Ed and Lorraine Warren. If you have not I will be honored to introduce them to you.

Ed and Lorriane Warren are considered by many well respected people in the field of paranormal study to be among the fields biggest advocates, ambassadors and experts.

Lorraine a clairvoyant who has been able to see and communicate with spirits from a very young age and Ed an ex police officer and self-taught Demonologist.

In 1952 they founded the New England Society for Psychic Research the oldest ghost hunting group in New England. They authored many books about the paranormal and about their private investigations into various reports of paranormal activity. They claimed to have investigated over 10,000 cases during their career.

Edward Warren Miney was born September 7, 1926 in Bridgeport Connecticut he joined the United States Navy on the day he turned seventeen and at one time like his father was a police officer. Ed says that he lived in a haunted house from around five years of age until around twelve. His father  would say “Ed there is a logical reason for everything that happens in this house” but as Ed would later reflect His father never could provide that logical answer.

Ed speaks of many events that took place that were simply unexplainable. When Ed was sixteen he worked as an usher at the Colonial Theater in Bridgeport and it was there that he met Lorraine Rita Moran. She was only sixteen as well.

“Lorriane and her mother would come every Wednesday night” Ed remembered  One of those nights he asked to walk her home which turned into him asking for a date that’s how it started. They were both only sixteen. Ed died on August, 23 2006 in Monroe Connecticut at the age of 79.

Lorraine Rita Moran Warren was born January 31, 1927 in Bridgeport Connecticut. She learned from a young age that she was a clairvoyant. A trance medium. It was by fate that she would later become the wife of a Demonologist. When their individual powers were combined, they were second to none in their field of study. The Paranormal. Lorraine passed away just this year on April 18, 2019 at the age of 92.

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Shortly after beginning a court-ship with Lorraine Moran. Ed Warren went to serve in World War ll four months later the ship he was on sank in the north Atlantic and while home for thirty days for survivors leave the two were married.

After he returned from the war. The Warrens welcomed a daughter Judy and that’s when Ed started attending Perry Art School which is a subsidiary of Yale for about two years.

He eventually parted ways unhappy with some of the instructors and there methods.

One of Ed Warrens paintings

This is an interesting fact on how The Warrens began their careers in the Paranormal world. After Ed left Art school he purchased a 1933 Chevy Eagle-deluxe for a whopping $15. With this car they traveled around selling Ed’s art paintings and they did pretty well.

If Ed heard of any houses or locations claiming to be  “Haunted” he would drag Lorraine a long to check it out. “Oh Ed there are no such things ghosts” she would say. Pretty funny thing for her to say considering how it all turned out.

Ed used his talent as an artist to create a painting of the, haunted house and have Lorraine deliver the final product to the home occupants. In most cases this impressed upon them enough to allow the “curiosity seekers” to come have a look around and ask some pointed questions. Ed was drawn to their experiences from his own this is basically how it all began for these two remarkable people and as time would have it they became in my opinion to this day the two most famous paranormal investigators of all time.

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The New England Society for Psychic Research- was founded in 1952 and the goal at first was to simply investigate hauntings. Then one day in 1965 they were in the home of a little girl and listened to her through a deep trance medium and understood she was looking for her mommy, it was then they decided they didn’t just want to experience the hauntings but wanted to help.

The Cases

Below are four of the Warrens most famous and controversial cases.

A Haunting In Connecticut

In 1986 The Snedekers rented an old house in Southington Connecticut. Allen and Carmen moved in with their daughter and three young sons. One day Carmen found some strange items that turned out to be morticians tools. The family soon discovered to their dread that the home was once a funeral parlor and the eldest son began seeing ghosts and having terrifying visions. It even went far enough that Carmen was being sexually abused by demons and called upon the Warrens for help.

The Perron Family

(left) Roger and Carloyn Perron. (right) Their five daughters

In January 1971 in Harrisville, Rhode Island the Perron family moved into a huge fourteen room farmhouse that they would claim was haunted. This home and family and what took place here would become the basis for the 2013  movie

The Perron family were being tormented by several entities that were somehow tied to the property. Including a woman by the name of Bathesheba Sherman who pushed them over the edge until Carolyn called upon the Warrens who after a long investigation and battle with the forces there were finally able to help bring the family some closure.


The movie version of the Annabelle doll

In 1968 a ragdoll was bought as a gift for a nurse named Donna by her mother for her 28th birthday. She brought it back to her apartment that she shared with a fellow nurse named Angie.

All was well at first. Until Annabelle started moving from spot to spot on her own and leaving notes. When the girls called for help a medium told them the doll was haunted by a deceased child named Annabelle. This prompted the Nurses to make a huge mistake by inviting her to stay.

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After the doll attacked one of the girls boyfriends and scratched his chest. They contacted the Warrens who would order an exorcism of the apartment and take possession of Annabelle and lock her in a glass case in there Occult museum.


Without a doubt the most famous and controversial case taken on by the Warrens. In 1974 thirty-miles outside of New York in the Long Island town of Amityville Ronnie DeFeo Sr. A car salesman, His wife and four children, two sons and two daughters were shot to death in the family home by 23 year old Ronnie DeFeo jr. Who said voices in his head told him to.

Thirteen months later the Lutz family moved into the house at a drastically reduced price. Due to the murders. They only lasted 28 days before clearing out. There spine tingling tales of paranormal activity is what led to the legend.

So many evil things happened while they were there that 20 days after the Lutz family moved out Ed and Lorraine Warren and their team studied the home and documented several negative encounters that are well documented. They also captured this picture that they claimed to be of the ghost of a little boy

There were several critics that claimed the whole thing to be a hoax ,even though George and Kathy Lutz passed lie detector tests. I personally believe in all of these stories because I have encountered demonic forces many times in my life perhaps if given the opportunity I will be able to share some of those stories right here on this very site.


Author: Brandon C. Allen is a web-blogger and freelance writer who has written short stories and poetry for over twenty years.


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