A man said he saw Robbie Williams on a spaceship when he was abducted by bald aliens

A man who has spent years researching close encounters has claimed he saw singer Robbie Williams aboard a spaceship after being abducted by aliens near Bradford, UK.
UFO investigator Russ Kellett, 57, claims he caught a glimpse of the former Take That star after being taken aboard an alien craft while riding his motorbike in 1999.
The former Bradford businessman, who gave up his job to become a full-time UFO researcher, says the abduction took place near Druid’s Altar in Bingley.
He had been riding his motorbike home from a friend’s house when something happened at around 10pm.
He said: “I went through a tunnel and ended up in a room with tall, bald aliens.
“They had the looks of a human but were 10ft tall – that’s not the norm, is it? There were some smaller ones and they all looked the same.”
Russ, who now lives in Filey, said he recalled being placed in a chair and having an injection in the back of his neck.
“I am saying, ‘what’s going on?’ I had a tube into my mouth and down my throat. I was panic-stricken.”
Russ says he was placed into another room and given a uniform and weapons.
He said: “A helmet went over my head. That’s what I remember. Later on, I started remembering stuff.”
During one flashback, Russ says he felt a sense of fear and panic.
And he says that he saw Robbie Williams, who was part of his “military unit”, aboard the alien vessel.
“I am in a military unit – on a mission. He (Williams) is behind me. We had helmets on. I was ready to go on a mission.
“I looked at him. He must have been ‘leader one’. I said ‘don’t I know you from somewhere?’ Robbie Will….?’. An alien then shouted ‘get back in line’,” says Russ.
“You do not mess with these dudes,” he adds. “This is serious stuff, it is not a joke. It is called abduction.
“This is happening to more people than you realise – but keep on watching television and the adverts.”
Russ says he had wanted to tell his story before but some had dismissed it as being too far-fetched.
“People would not let me talk at conferences and said, ‘you can’t talk about that’.”
He is now working on a book about the abduction which was to be titled ‘ET Rider’ in reference to the motorbike.
But the new title will be Through the Eye of an Alien.
Several years after Russ’ alleged alien encounter, Robbie Williams went public about his own interest in extra-terrestrial life.
Williams also claimed an alien visited him at his recording studio in Arizona.
And the Stoke-born singer-songwriter has also made a documentary for BBC Radio 4 on the topic.
According to the Daily Star, Robbie did not deny the story but said: “No comment.”
Russ’ book is due out next year.
Source: Yorkshire Live
What do you think? Was it all just a crazy dream?