
A blue alien is seen walking the streets in Peru

During the early hours of Monday 22nd August a strange-looking creature, glowing blue, with several legs and less than a meter in height was seen walking around the streets of Pachacamac, Peru, by a group of night workers.

The whole incident was recorded on video by a couple who also spotted the strange creature when they were passing by and it was also recorded on a gas station security camera.

The night workers, some of which were apparently armed guards, were reported to have said they were not sure whether it was a creature or a robot but as one of the workers got close to it, it suddenly started to fly and then disappear, but other witnesses say it walked away crossing the road and they get rammed by a truck.  …..So maybe its currently stuck to the front of a truck?

This is the video shot by the couple. Quite bad quality, surely everyone has decent cameras on their phone now?

And this is the footage from the gas station security camera.  A lot better quality.

It does look strange but it can quite easily be a hoax by a possible homemade robot or a drone as some sort of puppet.

With the first video looking like its been filmed through a potato, that doesn’t help in trying to get a closer look at the thing.

What to you think?


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