
Authentic footage of the UFOs that flew over Washington in 1952

Did you know that UFOs have been filmed/documented for thousands of years? There are many examples from our ancient past that show this, and many modern day examples in the form of videos, radar trackings etc.. For example, here’s one of many documents that can be found within the CIA’s electronic reading room that makes it quite clear that authentic footage exists. Recent footage of UFOs released and confirmed by the Pentagon also makes this quite clear, not to mention millions of pages of declassified documents from multiple government agencies describing encounters with objects that perform maneuvers no known aircraft…

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Jake Carter

Jake Carter is a journalist and a most prolific writer who has been fascinated by science and unexplained since childhood.

He is not afraid to challenge the official narratives and expose the cover-ups and lies that keep us in the dark. He is always eager to share his findings and insights with the readers of, a website he created in 2013.

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See also  Remarkable footage of two UFO's over Almelo in Holland

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