The Twisted Realm season 2 premiere is out now on PARAFlixx

A Jail Turned ‘Haunted’ Library Brings A Paranormal Investigation Team Back To Find Answers Six Years Later After A Shocking Discovery.
In the heart of Buena Vista, Virginia sits the Buena Vista Public Library—once a jail and courthouse, which over the years became home to inmates who would do anything to escape. The courthouse, now converted as the library, also housed a separate jail torn down in the 1940’s where a new jail was constructed in its’ place. When The Twisted Paranormal Society first stepped foot into the library six years ago to investigate, they were told a story the old jail is known for. In October 1933, the Chief of Police at the time, Matt Beard, was serving a prisoner a routine meal, when the prisoner charged Chief Beard, stole the gun he was carrying, and shot the chief where he died almost immediately. The prisoner escaped into the alley way where he was met by police officers in a gun fire exchange. The prisoner was shot, and shortly after, died in the nearby hospital from his injuries.
During the first paranormal investigation six years ago, The Twisted Paranormal Society, now a PARAFlixx Original tv series The Twisted Realm (Lyle Lotts, Tonna Lotts, Brandon Johnson, Melissa Sykes, Jon Harris, and Lynn Harris), encountered unexplainable and shocking activity. Lyle and Tonna captured a series of loud unexplainable knocks on camera in one of the jail cells with an unusual pattern. At the time, there was nobody in the confined jail area with the crew. The loud knocks occurred in the same sequence a second time after the team attempted to establish further communication and asked for these loud knocks to occur again – And they did.
“It’s been a little over six years since the Twisted Paranormal Society has made their way to Buena Vista to investigate the public library. We had so much activity that took place during that investigation, and there’s been so much that has taken place since then, that they asked us to come back.” – Lyle Lotts, Lead Investigator, Twisted Paranormal Society, The Twisted Realm, A PARAFlixx Original Series
The team’s thorough investigation as they return to Buena Vista uncovers the presence of different spirits and the lingering ‘haunting’ from this horrific murder. As the crew is led through the library and the new jail, they discover new shocking information of recent activity from the local librarian. The team captures clear electronic voice phenomena (EVP) communication, frightening physical attacks, including a burning sensation which occurs more than once, and startling voices seemingly eager to tell their story as intelligent responses throughout the paranormal investigation.
Season 2 premiere episode Buena Vista Public Library now streaming on PARAFlixx paranormal+ available worldwide to PARAFlixx subscribers.
Buena Vista Public Library is produced by Twisted Productions LLC, L&B Media Productions, The Twisted Realm, and Twisted Paranormal Society, for PARAFlixx paranormal+.
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